


Diary in ENGLISH

write a diary in ENGLISH #4 『家族でバーベキュー』『うちのばあちゃん』

8/16 家族でバーベキュー We have a family reunion every year during Bon holiday. This year we had a barbecue in front of my parent’s house. Unfortunately, it rained that day. But the good thing is that the weather is cool. 11 of my relative…

write a diary in ENGLISH #3 『友人との再開』 & 『初めてのコストコ』

8/12 6ヶ月ぶりに友人と再会 I met my friends, who were my team mates in the basketball club in high school, for the first time in 6 months yesterday. One of my friends came back to our home town because of Bon holiday. We had a dinner at an…

write a diary in ENGLISH #2 『中国で起きた地震』

8/11 中国で起きた地震 It has been 3 days since the great earthquake in Sichuan, China. The area was seriously damaged and it has been reported on TV in Japan for many days. The most shocking news for me was the damage in Jiuzhaigou. The pl…

write a diary in ENGLISH #1 英語で日記を書き始めました!

先日から英語で日記を書き始めました!書いたものをDMM英会話で添削してもらっています(^o^)その日記をせっかくなので公開したいと思います。 DMM英会話を初めて半年がたち、今後どの教材を使っていこうかかなり悩んでいました。そこで始めたのがこの英語日…